vineri, 27 octombrie 2017

Coaching for an active citizenship

Erasmus plus is about the people.
I always go to a training course and expect to be served with new, fresh and interesting info and I always find myself asking the questions and answering them.
In this training course that was held in two places due to logistical problems, Chișinău and Vadul lui Vodă, I managed to understand why these peojects are funded by the EU, even though they cost a lot and seem too good to be true.
For whoever doesn't know yet, an Erasmus+ training course implies basically no cost for the participant and it provides food and accommodation for 8-10 days in a foreign country, one of the many partner countries of the program.
How much money?
2 000 000 000 💶 per year for all the Erasmus+ projects
To unite the European Union even more!
To make it natural and normal for a Romanian to go to work in Denmark for the same pay as a Danish would get. To make it normal and natural for a Danish company to employ a Romanian who speaks decent English.
To learn from each other. Our differences can make us way greater than anyone might think.
And that's exactly what we learn in these projects - how to learn from each other, regardless of our nationality or social status.
I was asked what was the most important thing I learned in this project, and even though I practiced writing a project, I was stuck when I remembered that I talked to Ukrainean and Armenian people about the ongoing conflicts in their countries - just for a piece of land.
Thus, for some, the love for their country transforms really quick into hate against another, whichever one. And we all know that an AK-47 is more exciting than a huggin' flower, especially when you're not doing it for you, but for your country.
I talked to a guy who just returned from the army, three days before the project, and who now, two days after the project starts his first job - as a structural engineer. Another one is looking for a job and he knows that having done the two years of mandatory military service, he will be advantaged when HR look through his CV.
Have I learned something from them?
Have they learned anything from me?
Hug yeah!
Or at least I hope so.
And no, we didn't learn how to be the same, but we learned how to be active citizens, and not by being thought, but by asking ourselves the right questions.
Coaching for an active citizenship, Moldova, October 2017

Cezar, George and Stefan
P.S. did I mention all the beautiful girls involved in the project?

joi, 12 octombrie 2017

Cezar's 40 minutes of writing about imagination

Cezar’s 40 minutes of writing

IMAGINE             – a song by John Lennon
-          A global song
-          An entire album from Armin van Buuren – Laugh all you want – I really enjoyed it!

What I actually want to write about is, of course, me.
What I imagine.
I imagine being a reporter for once, or twice, or maybe more, but not everyday. I imagine talking with interesting people like hookers, policemen, thieves, rich men, hippies, VIP’s, normal people, people with disabilities, Richard – the main character of the last book I read, Ciolos, Iliescu, I would want them to tell me the truth. I imagine everybody reading the articles not for the interviewee, but because I interview them. No penalties, just knowledge that’s shared.
I imagine being a sports star – I’d be modest and smart like Cristi Chivu. I remember when all the kids in school shouted my name at the basketball game that we won against my very own professional team-mates from another school. I remember that even though we won, they were the ones who qualified – I think it was because what we now know as corruption.
I imagine writing about people’s jobs like I did at Dora’s. I imagine a great blog, kinda what Ruxi wanted to do with her vocation website.
I imagine being the best at something. That’s so far away from me that I don’t even spend a lot of time developing the idea. I imagine the compromises that need to be done to be the best at something, I tell myself that it’s not worth it and move on.
I imagine I am happy, I imagine I am rich. Sometimes I feel that I’m happy, sometimes I feel that I’m rich. I always think of me as a financially poor person, rarely as an emotionally poor one. People tell me I’m brave and courageous and I reply that I’ve got braver and more courageous friends.
It just came to me that I actually am the best at something: being me. No one could do it better. If I was a believer I’d thank God for choosing me to do me, to be me, to play me.
We’re unique even on facebook: we’re the only one who are friends with our same friends. No two people have the same exact friends. And I’ve got the best. No, I don’t.
I imagine I am free, even though I’ve never been free. Because when I’m free of jobs I am busy with thoughts and when I’m free of thoughts I am too concentrated to notice. But compared to slavery I am, indeed, very free. Thanks “God” again.
I imagine talking more with people, listening to them, focusing on them, not cooking or facebooking at the same time.
I imagine quitting facebook and movies and becoming a really awesome entrepreneur – the kindest of them all – full of very healthy principles.
I remember Clau telling me how he imagines me ten years after high school: supercool, rich and in the company of a very beautiful girl. I did not believe him because I didn’t trust myself, but I do wish I could have presented him Ruxi, as a great achievement of what he said.
I imagine doing an EVS – I don’t imagine not doing it.
I imagine a great atmosphere in my company. There are not many people, but they’re running around, knowing what to do and they’re happy, as am I. As am I.
I imagine myself driving the F1 Car, barely holding my head. I, at some point, gave up on the idea of building my own F1 car or Ariel Atom.
I gave up on building the electric car – the big companies already did it and I don’t want to be a peon on their table.
I do want to own one – a car, not the company.
I don’t want to sell. I don’t want to convince people of anything – I got tired.
I want to be important but I don’t want responsibilities.
Fuck you (hug you) “with great power comes great responsibility”, you’re too right. Relax a little, try to understand that I do want you as a…
I imagine that I’m also the only one who knows everything that I know, listened the music I listened, danced when I danced.
I imagine wish someone’s reading my work and feels the same way I feel when I’m reading a good book.

joi, 5 octombrie 2017

Big build aftermath

Pentru mine, big build se opreste dupa trei zile. Ceilalti voluntari mai au doua zile in care au de invatat, inca, foarte multe.
A fost o experienta extraordinara, la propriu.
Am ani de zile de voluntariat, insa nicaieri nu am invatat la fel de multe lucruri in atat de scurt timp.
A fost un mix extrem de oameni acolo:
O idee extrem de bine pusa la punct si extrem de bine implementata. Un proiect mare - urias!

Beneficiarii: trebuie sa faca voluntariat 1000 de ore - va dati seama cat de multe vor invata? ( Si nu ma refer la a da cu ciocanul, ci la umilitate, intr-ajutorare
Trebuie sa plateasca o rata decenta (zic eu) de 350 lei/luna timp de 20 sau 25 de ani.
Trebuie sa participe la construirea propriilor locuinte, cel putin la fel de mult ca voluntarii - si o fac, cum e si normal.
Beneficiarii caselor - niste oameni nu neaparat amarati, insa care locuiau in conditii pe care nu le putem numi demne, insa despre demnitate e mult de zis si nu e aici locul - au fost foarte amabili. Majoritatea te tratau ca pe un constructor expert si nu comentau absolut deloc atunci cand greseai ceva sau montai ceva stramb. Iti dadeau impresia ca nu se pricep deloc la treaba asta si ca au incredere totala in tine. Partea cu increderea e adevarata, insa factorul recunoasterii muncii voluntare nu le permitea (din pacate) sa intervina atunci cand vedeau chestii montate aiurea sau lucruri facute prost.
Ca in orice loc cu multi oameni noi, mi s-a adresat o intrebare la care mi-e din ce in ce mai greu sa raspund fara sa sun a artist autist (fara sa vreau sa jignesc pe cineva!!!!).
"Tu cu ce te ocupi?"
In putinele secunde pe care le ai la dispozitie sa te gandesti sa raspunzi la intrebarea asta, mi-au iesit multe, insa pentru prima oara, mi-a iesit pe gura cuvântul "voluntar".
Si iarasi, in cele cateva secunde dupa ce l-am zis si si-a dat seama interlocutorul ca nu voi mai zice altceva, (si trebuie sa inceapa el sa vorbeasca, sa nu intram intr-o liniste dubioasa) am avut o mega revelatie! (Evident, mega e un cuvant prea mare pentru timpul scurt avut la dispozitie).
Ma gandisem la un moment dat ca m-a "stricat" voluntariatul, ca nu sunt in stare sa cer oamenilor bani in schimbul timpului meu si ca, mai mult, incep sa ii dispretuiesc pe cei care cer foarte multi bani in schimbul timpului lor.
Va imaginati ca la angajare, le-am zis ca nu ma intereseaza salariul, ca eu oricum traiesc cu bani putini?
Va imaginati cata bucurie pe capul acelui angajator, sa-i vina unul din cei mai buni studenti ai unei facultati (exact pe profil), complet pasionat si pregatit de acel job si sa-i spuna ca nu-l intereseaza salariul, asta intr-o piata a muncii sufocata de nepriceputi care cer multi bani? Tot voluntariatul a făcut asta din mine.
Dar, slava karmei, tot voluntariatul a făcut ca dupa doi ani jumate de salariu mizer sa ma frustrez si sa plec. Sa am curajul sa fac asta zambind si regretand doar faptul ca nu voi mai putea participa la concursurile de pompieri ale fabricii, la campionatele de badminton, volei si baschet. In ăștia doi ani jumate in care am apucat sa mai si voluntariez am invatat ca lucrurile la care trebuie sa visezi nu au legatura cu salariul sau cu orarul de lucru. Si le-am zis asta colegilor cand ma intrebau ce voi face dupa. Iar eu am plecat si ei, cu putine excepții, s-au intors la birou gândindu-se cu nerăbdare la valoarea următoarei creșteri salariale.
Adevarul nu-i niciunde.
Sunt doar stiluri de viata diferite. Putem discuta despre cine construieste mai mult, mai bine, insa nu pot sa nu ma gandesc intr-un mod egoist, ca a-i ajuta pe altii e mai fain (util, constructiv) decat sa te ajuti pe tine insusi.
Imi dau seama ca astea sunt doar lucrurile, diferite de la om la om, care ne aduc satisfactie.

Acum, revenind la zilele noastre, ar trebui sa trimit niste multumiri Comisiei Europene pentru ca finanteaza programele la care voi lua parte in urmatoarele doua luni:

1. Writing is rewriting - Lilaste, Letonia
2. Coaching for active Citizenship - Orhei, Moldova
3. Facility to facilitate - Keila, Estonia
4. New menu - Palermo, Italia

Si daca va-ntrebati de ce le finanteaza, va voi raspunde rapid cum ca va trebui sa participati la unul ca sa intelegeti. Si-aveti toate motivele din lume, atat de multe ca nici voi nu stiti de ce n-o faceți!

Si-acum, sa impartasim cele invatate la Big Build.
1. Big build e un proiect big budget - reuseste sa faca sa para ca acei oameni chiar au nevoie de o casa mai mare, atat de tare incat reuseste sa convinga 450 de voluntari (care de fapt sunt vreo 700 in total), cativa sponsori mari si fix la fix (Kaufland principal cu bani,  Holzindustrie Schweighoffer cu lemne, Dedeman cu scule, Bosch cu scule electrice, primaria cu terenul, familiile cu rate lunare, bucatarii celebri internationali nu stiu daca sunt platiti, dar sunt de efect pare-se.
Cumulat, is vreo 1.5 milioane 💶, care, impartite la 36 de case vin cam 46000 de 💶 per casa.
Tinand cont ca-s case mici din lemn, e cam mult, insa daca ne uitam la cati bani platesc familiile pe case, atunci pare echitabil.
Dar nu-i vorba de bani.
Ci de ce invatam din asta, fiecare.
1. Fundatia nu stiu cum se face, ca era deja acolo.
2. Instalatiile la fel
3. Se iau niste pereti gata asamblati din sanduri de lemn de 5x15cm, se pun la verticala si dupa ce verifici ca i-ai pus drept, ii bati in cuie unul de altul
4. Asa se ridica toti peretii, de fapt.
5. In timp ce unii placheaza cu OSB exteriorul, alti urca fermele pe casa si le bat sa ramana acolo (fermele sunt cele care tin acoperisul).
6. In timp ce unii inca mai monteaza OSB-ul, altii pun polistirenul pe cel montat deja.
7. Acelasi sistem si pentru plasa, tencuiala.
8. Acum pot veni mesterii sa monteze termopanele, ca sa te poti apuca de glafurile dim polistiren extrudat - cea mai delicata treaba din lume!
9. Tot timpul asta se poate lucra la acoperis, la intins folia anticondens si batut scandurile orizontale pe care se va aseza tabla.
10. Te-ajuta daca sui in pod bucatile de OSB care vor reprezenta podeaua podului, ca te deplasezi mai usor pe-acolo, si ai nevoie de ele oricum acolo.
11. Daca ai terminat de tencuit, glafuit, montat paziile si bucatile de acoperis din lemn care se vad si, deci, sunt vopsite, atunci poti monta jgheaburile. Sugerez sa citesti cum se face si s-o faci singur daca ai timp, ca nu mi-a placut deloc de meșterii de la acoperis - exact ce va spuneam despre angajati, ca nu prea gasesti priceputi si cer si multi bani
12. Apoi poti sa incepi sa faci multe lucruri: sa bagi vata minerala in pereti, sa o acoperi cu celofan (eu cred ca-i gresit sa stai intr-o camera inconjurata de celofan - as pune o folie de goretex sau folie anticondens) si inclusiv sa faci ultimul lucru pe care am apucat eu sa-l fac: sa pui rigips pe tavan, apoi pe pereti!

Echipa a constat in doi constructori priceputi, Costel si Radu care m-au impresionat maaaxim prin diferite aspecte ale lor: rabdare, forta, putere de improvizație, experienta si caracter.
De asemenea fiecare echipa mai avea doi constructori nu foarte priceputi, sau, mai bine zis, doi arhitecti fara prea mare experienta, care erau plini de soft skills si se asigurau mai degraba sa explice voluntarilor cum sa faca lucrurile, se asigurau ca toti au de lucru si aveau grija ca tot ce tine de constructie sa se desfasoare cat mai "a' la carte". O echipa destul de buna in cazul casei noastre.

Logistica de langa case era impresionanta:
Oamenii amenajasera chiuvete cu muuulte robinete, chiuvete care se scurgeau intr-un rezervor golit zilnic. Toalete ecologice reimprospatate zilnic, 41 de bucatari care hraneau 600 de oameni intr-o ora, un cort de mese urias plus inca unul pt constructori si organizatori - mergeau niste superchefuri in el. Snacksuri si cafele tot timpul, aducerea fazata a tuturor materialelor, sa nu ocupe loc aiurea langa casa, spalarea uneltelor de zidarie cu pensula, dupa fiecare folosire.
Folosirea cuiului si a ciocanului muuult mai mult decat m-am asteptat  - ma asteptam sa insurubarim holsuruburi toata ziua.

Am invatat de asemenea sa respect inca o meserie!

La final, multumiri!
1. Misha, ca s-a bagat si m-a tras si pe mine
2. Mircea, ca ne-a cazat, ca a lucrat si el cu noi, ne-a hranit, hidratat, plimbat, ghidat, dat voie sa vorbim cu sora-sa, incantat cu povestile sale inspirante si celelalte lucruri pe care poate nu le-am remarcat.
3. Habitat for Humanity, ca nu ne-a cerut bani sa voluntariem, cum au cerut firmelor sau altor voluntari.